Monday, January 14, 2019

Biking in Bluff

We are In Bluff. The sun’s trying to come out. The sea sort of sparkles and the smelter definitely smelters by the look of the plume of black smoke shooting skyward across from our campsite.

 We unload our bikes ready to explore this most southerly part of New Zealand. First impressions are not exciting but after a great coffee at one of several interesting wee cafes things look a whole lot cheerier.

We decide to bike to the top of the Bluff lookout, Motupohue. It didn’t look that high and at 265 Metres and it’s probably not, but when you are biking, it’s the gradient that counts and I hadn’t even got to the end of the houses before the sign told cars to “Use Low Gears”. By that stage I had no gears left, just foot power.

So, there I was ...pushing my bike to the top of a very high hill for a very long time! I  kept myself motivated by the thought of the stunning views over Foveaux Strait which I’d read about and the exhilarating ride down. But, as the clouds came over and the view was obscured it became even  harder to keep going.  At one stage as I’m doubled over trying to resume a normal heart rate, my partner Dirk takes my bike and his, and keeps on pushing up hill.

When we reach the top the view is...pretty much non existent thanks to the weather, but I’m a “cup half full” sort of person and gave thanks that it wasn’t baking hot. We locked our bikes to a post and began to walk the Topunui Track, a zillion steps all going down hill. Now all I could think of was how the heck I was going to make it back up the track! A local out walking his dog told us the walk was worthwhile and we’d get a great view of Stirling Point from about halfway along, so we followed him.

Unfortunately, the bush hadn’t been trimmed for quite some time so the view was obscured. This was becoming another of those “good news, bad news” stories. I opted for an about- turn and headed back  up those same zillion stairs to the top of the hill, mounted my bike and careered down to the bottom to ...yes, another coffee shop. So, all in all this story has a happy ending unlike my bum after the ride.

When you can get a good cup of coffee all is forgiven and forgotten.

Steps. There were so many of them but the bush was beautiful.

The giant steel anchor chain sculpture chain created by Russell Beck is near the famous Bluff signpost.  The other end of the chain lies on Stewart Island.

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